Based on the famous musical "The sound of music", students were asked to write about their favourite things. And they wrote some beautiful verses on that!Here they are!
Watching TV on the sofa
Music in my garden
Surfing with my friends
Swimming on the sea
These are a few of my favourite things
by João Carvalho, 11ºG
Partying with my friends
Music all the time
Shopping that never ends
Drawing is my pride
These are a few of my favourite things
by Neuza Branco,11ºG
Summerish feelings
Some blues,jazz and soul
Working so hard
Just achieving my goals
Rythms some music
Some friends by my side
Give me a stage
yeah, I'll be there tonight
These are the things that I like
by Beatriz Valentim, 11ºG
A ball on my feet
A candy so sweet
Travel around the city
For the girl that I've missed
'cause she's so pretty
an' gorgeous to me
Now just wondering
where she is
by Pedro Carrancho, 11ºH
Hi, I really like Carrancho`s poem! It becomes rather deep, truly.