Thursday, 6 October 2011

If I were a President ....

If I were a President, firstly,  I would lower the gas price to a minimum. I would try to promote hybrid cars so that  we could reduce the pollution in the world.
Secondly, I would  reduce the taxes and the prices of food and other essential things to live.
I would try to give more subsidies to all the needed families and build some places where they could get food and clothes for free.
 Lastly, I would throw parties every day so that my people would always feel happy.

by Zé , 11ºG

If I were a President, I would change the old concept about politics. Nowadays teens are becoming more and more uninterested in politics and the whole democratic process.
Being a President is a profession that demands a lot of responsibility and a lot of seeking for the right measures to be taken, therefore I would certainly have an advisor.
I would take joy to every house and every citizen would be proud of our great country.
Yes, I am PORTUGUESE and proud of it! We have a great History. Should we be judged because we are having some bad years ?
I don`t think so, as president I would restore the old honor.

Pedro Dias 11ºG

If we were a President, first of all, we would invite our friends and family to a big party to celebrate it.

Then, we would start our new government plans: more holiday time (one month of work and one month of holidays); there would be free school education for everyone (mainly free books)and ban substitution classes. (If we only have one teacher for each class, and the teacher is missing there should be no class; free meals for the students and there would be conceptualized cook chefs at the school canteens , change the marking absence system (there would not be any more late class arrival being equivalent to the absence ones).
Free meals for poor people; everyone would have a job and the lowest salary would be 1.000€ and the maximum 15.000€ (there wouldn’t be no more Julia Pinheiro or Fátima Lopes earning 40.000€ for month beside the Portuguese football players); every paycheck would have to be paid on the last day of the month, or the bosses would have to pay a 100€ penalty to the employee.
Everyone would have his own house, with solar panels to save energy; all the cars would be electric so we could stop using so much fossil fuel; ecologic cell-phones by banning the electric charger; and so on…
These are the main things we would  if we were a President. J

Neuza Branco and 
Catarina Mendes ; 11ºG

If I were a president, I wouldn’t be able to exercise my full potential since in order for a president to do that, one must become  tyrant and such is simply not in my nature. However,  I would do my best to manipulate the system to ensure the greater good. Also, I would make sure that my country would have a very good health care, education and jobs for everyone.  To accomplish this, I would make great investments in what the country had best. Let’s take the example of Portugal, if I were to take power in such small country, my first priority would be in ensuring jobs. To do so, I would invest in the fields and sea creating a vast agricultural program and a thriving sea economy were sustainable fishing would be prioritized. These two simple matters would lead to a more independent economy were importation would be less needed and if the opportunity would arise, sustainable exportation would be a fairly well -accomplished feat. After dealing with these matters, I would ensure that every man and woman would have access to a proper high school education, by creating a more understanding educational program that would appeal to different people’s needs. As a matter of fact, there is some education to be had if one wants the country to respond (in mass scale that is)to certain requirements. By introducing jobs and education to the masses, I would then proceed to create a progressive city mentality that would give emphasis to ecological factories, charity and social respect, eventually with these 3 key factors settled: jobs, education and  social measures. I would then approach the last and if not most necessary factor: health! Due to the newly found economical sustainability, I would be able to expand the requirements and findings of the health care thus ensuring its effectiveness and sustainability.
Also I would legalize weed under specific circumstances very much alike to tobacco and alcohol. This would lead to some legal issues such as drug trafficking and to a certain extent material shortage, for hemp is one of the most versatile materials in the world (over 3000 products may be crafted from it). I would also create an overextended cultural program where the great Portuguese history and culture would be  preserved and respected, also educate kids and foreigners about it. This would create an identity to the small country and, along side with the legalization of hemp, would result in an increase in tourism and over border investments.
However, this theoretical increase in life level, would also result in more strict conditions for emigrating in the country, not to those who already live here but to those who might want to enter the country. Certainly, this would end into discrimination where emigrated graduated people would take the best jobs.
If all these measures worked out, we could save a country from poverty and make an example out of it for the world to look up to and follow.
So, in the end, this is what I would do if I were to be president.

Nuno Miranda; 11ºG

And what about you? What would you do if you were a President?

1 comment:

  1. If I were a President, I would make young people believe that they can make a difference in today's world by being socially more active.Maybe, by giving them some sort of compensation whenever they did something useful and helpful.
